Friday 20 October 2023


For various reasons, I have decided to scale back my blog activity, with less frequent but often longer posts . . . to be that little bit more blog-ish, you might say. That’s the plan, anyway.  We’ll see how it pans out.

With a beautiful little grandson now on the scene, and a wish to spend more time on my art, which I have neglected of late, I am frankly feeling the “pressure” a bit – when now, of all periods in my life, my family tell me I should be relaxing that much more in my retirement!


The blog difference may not be too noticeable for a little while, as I have a number of stockpiled items awaiting publication.


In the meantime, a big thank-you to each and every one of you who have offered so much support and encouragement over these last eight years of blogging.


It’s been a particular pleasure to hear from readers who are either scattered all over the world and/or have personally related to my nostalgic trips Down Memory Lane, in Cornwall and especially my home territory of Falmouth-Penryn.


But NB: I am not stopping, just changing!


And I will continue to flag up my posts on social media in the usual way as and when they are published. 

1 comment:

  1. Penguin Book Writers embrace the call for change, offering narratives that inspire and provoke thought. Their storytelling evolves with the times, reflecting the shifting landscapes of society and human experience.
